Monday, May 18, 2009

It has been a very busy month in the church for us this month. Sam had his First Communion on Sunday, and I need to get the pictures downloaded. I am very, very proud of my children and my husband who has also decided to join St. John's Church.

I was also confirmed last month with oil and ashes. Those pics won't be posted!!!
Sam is an altar boy???!!! I was amazed and proud beyond belief. Go Sam!

I am so proud of Sam.

My Babies

Vi and the other kids waiting for First Communion. The dresses were so pretty.
Vi and I in front of the church.

Vi in front of the altar.
Vi by her banner at First Communion.
Me and my good friend Michelle. She is the kids' Godmother and a very special person.
Our Kentucky Family, the Enriquezes, waiting for Vi's first communion.
Sam hugging Father. I love this picture.
Sam's turn for his Baptism.
Vi in the tub with very wet hair.
You can barely see Vi down in the Baptism tub. It was such a sweet moment, and wet!
Vivienne's Baptism into St. John's with Father Geno.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Sam and Boo. Sam is so sweet with the dog, and he is such a good kid.
Daddy loves his new baby Boo! Alright he hates him. But we think he's pretty cute, and he is so playful. He and the cat actually like each other, and play constantly. He's now 4 months old.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

A Starlet is Born!!

Thank you to Michelle and Haley for all your love and...the cool pics!!

Waiting for her turn

Two Pretty Princesses and a Prince

Vi and her wonderful Bff, Haley. 3 firsts on Prince!

Vi had her second horse show and again got third place, and there were more than 3 horses (Dad!)
Prince had to show 5 times as they had a problems with 2 horses (one of which Prince kicked the daylights out of, you gotta stay away from the Princey hay. My friend Michelle sent me these pics, and a video so I can get rid of the dark one, and all can see my lovely babies.

Time to get into makeup!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Vi's First Horseshow

Vi's first horse show on Sweetie! She did great and we are so proud! I am going to try and edit her videos, they are too dark.