Sunday, June 29, 2008

Prince is an official academy showhorse!!!

Prince was taken yesterday to the Horse Park not to be in a show, but to see how he'd react to being transported, strange arena, etc. He did so well that Lynn, the riding instructor, decided to have Ashlynn ride him. He won first place in the Pleasure Horse division and first place in the Equitation division (that is Ashlynn's skills). When Lynn called me you could have knocked me over with a feather! I am so proud of him, what a champ. He'll be in the Masterston Station horse show in the middle of July, and I plan to be there, camera clicking away.
Not to shabby for a rescue horse with no papers - I can't wait until Vi is in her first show!
Note: I always knew I posted too high, but good grief! Need to work on that...


mimi jr. said...

You and Prince look really good together!! I felt like I was there watching you! Interesting sounds in the background,too! Love ya!!

Mer said...

Yes, wasn't that sweet of Bill to make such a nice sound effect?